One of the key challenges of sustainably procuring ICT lies in the lack of transparency in supply chains. To overcome this challenge, an open dialogue has to be established with suppliers, forging a relationship to encourage and promote sharing and monitoring of supply-chain activities.
In relation to the environmental challenges of the ICT sector, procurement approaches should ensure that information regarding the qualities of the equipment, their repairability, and the availability of recycling and disposal services is clearly communicated by the supplier to the public authority.
This information should be disclosed and easily accessible to avoid unnecessary and inadequate disposal of equipment, ensuring that those having to make decisions regarding the equipment are aware of the options available.
Define your needs and understand market capability
As previously stated, two of the key challenges of the ICT sector are: gathering supply chain information, and prolonging equipment use. The following approaches can help you to better understand market capability regarding supply chain transparency, and ensure that procured equipments respond to real needs.
Select the best procurement practices
Additionally to the approaches mentioned in the previous sections, we include below two procurement practices that support SPP implementation in the ICT sector.